Welcome to 2015!

Posted by KreyolGirl on 1/12/2015 to Business Tips & Things
Whether you skated, trotted, walked, sulked or had to be dragged into 2015, if you're reading this, you made it. For that, I am grateful. Grateful, because it gives us yet another year to fulfill our purpose, to accomplish a few of our goals, to make resolutions that may or may not be broken. 

I must admit that I did more sulking into 2015 than I would have liked. Despite the beauty that was 2014, we also experienced a bit of darkness. The worst of which was the passing of a close loved one toward the end of the year. For any of you who have also experienced loss you're still attempting to deal with, you have my deepest sympathies. I'm going to save you my own sadness and tears, and not make this a melancholy e-mail. I penned this to welcome the new members of our family and that is what I intend to do. 

So, welcome to you! Thank you for making the wise decision to invest in Nandi's Naturals. 

We had so many new members join the Nandi's Naturals family that I figured there'd be no better time than now to fill you in on a few things you might not know about us. This might also be of value to some of our long-time customers. 

When I thought of what I would like to share, I limited myself to three things. Three things I felt would be important for you to know. So, let's get going . . .

Two Mistakes New Handmade Businesses Make

Posted by KreyolGirl on 9/1/2013 to Business Tips & Things

The most frequent complaint voiced among any business starting out is the lack of working capital. The initial, often lean years require a business to operate more frugally than at any other time. Every expenditure has to be closely monitored. In the sense of expenditures, small businesses come to learn one thing rather quickly: time is as valuable to the success of a business as is money.

Ask any small business owner what they could use more of and they’ll quickly state time and money. Where most miscalculate early on is how much time is required to dedicate to the business. Not simply creating goods, but the time needed to setup and maintain websites, create and disseminate marketing literature, remain relevant, reconcile product and marketing costs against customer purchases, and other necessities of doing business.

Three Ways to Help Customers Remember

Posted by KreyolGirl on 8/23/2013 to Business Tips & Things
As a new business building a brand or a more established business looking to create more sustained relationships, it’s important that certain practices be implemented that set your business apart from others. You want to establish habits that will regularly remind older customers why they chose you and prospective customers about why they should. Below I share three of my methods for developing and sustaining relationships.